What the F#@k Marvel?

They can be hilarious – like Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, serious – like Batman Gotham Knights, Childish – like Scooby Doo, or thought provoking – like
But I also realize that I’m a 26 year old male adult, and part of the issue with watching cartoons is that this is something I do in my private time away from the prying eyes of… well you know…society.
I’ve made no bones about the fact that I’m a huge Spider-man fan. The guy is like a personal hero of mine. With great power comes great responsibility. Seriously, you could teach that to your kids and it would be a good lesson! Anyways, I digress. I’ve watched every series, and continue to do so to this day. However, when the Kids WB, or CW for Kids, or 4KidsTV, whatever they are re-branding themselves to this week, decided to air season two of The Spectacular Spider-man, but decided not to let anyone know when or where to watch it, I had to sort out other means.
Cut to a few weeks later and here I am watching it on Youtube, where a nice young webhead has placed every episode in chronological order for my viewing pleasure. Now, I was here simply catching up, as I later found YTV here in
I then went looking for the new Wolverine and the X Men series, which has recently started. Too bad, with X Men Origins:Wolverine movie coming out, this particular title cannot be found anywhere on the net. Apparently Marvel’s legal team (imagine if it was actually Matt Murdoch emailing you haha), has contacted Youtube and asked all these shows be taken off.
Now, I get why they doing this. Clearly they own the copyright and it’s theirs to do what they will. BUT, c’mon Marvel. You know as well as I do, that this TV show is on only to create and interest and buzz for the upcoming movie. If the station that airs it (I have no clue which one, and neither does WIKIPEDIA!- that damn thing knows everything!) can’t be bothered to promote it, give the fans a chance to view it elsewhere. Hell, even if I did know where they were airing this show, at least give me an opportunity to catch up! With the amount of different models there are to view programming – On Demand services, Hulu, iTunes, Youtube etc, there isn’t anywhere to catch this show.
Plus, does it really matter where I view this cartoon? It will still promote the movie. Essentially what Marvel is doing here is stopping me for seeing a 22 minute commercial for the movie, because they are trying to force me to watch it elsewhere.
Marvel is a company that went bankrupt in 1996. Thanks to trilogy hits like X Men, Spider-man and Blade, today they are a major power in the entertainment industry, most recently signing Samuel L. Jackson to a NINE picture deal to play Nick Fury.
They’re not exactly hurting.
Give your fans the chance the opportunity to watch your 22 minute commercials, and they will pay you back in kind by buying tickets to the movies, purchasing the nine special edition