Empty-V : A Break Up Letter
Posted by DGN
12:54 PM
Hey M,
How you been? I know, I haven't been around lately. I'm sorry... it's just that, well, things are different now. And as hard as this is to say, I think it's time that we moved on.

Remember when we first met almost fifteen years ago. Things were much simpler then. I'd hear a song on the radio, and there you were showing me the video. Whenever there was an act in town, there they were at your place, hanging out, telling us what was going on. I loved the parties you used to throw, huge bashes that focused on music or movies. They were absolutely crazy!
Then things started to change a little. We were both growing up, trying new things out. I started hanging out with some of the networks, you started toying around with this concept called reality tv. It was a nice change at first. You mixed a little of that young music flavour with people like myself. Oh how I enjoyed the seeing people from The Real World or chillin
g with Beavis and Butthead.
But then, somewhere down the line, I began to notice that things were changing altogether. All of a sudden there weren't any music videos and that there was more and more of this reality stuff. Sure if we were out late, it would be like old times, but that was the extent of it. In fact it got so bad, I had to hang out with Much (who seems to have since been following your lead!). To your credit you tried. After we talked, you introduced TRL.
But I think you sensed this happening. Come November I hear your getting rid of the our olive branch that is TRL.
Hopefully we can still be friends. I'm sure I'll see you around at the parties. I'm still one of the few that enjoy those. And I'm sure we'll run into each other at Much's place.
But other than that, I'm going to say that this is the end. It's been a fun ride, but I think this might be it for the both of us.
PS: Here are some better times :)
How you been? I know, I haven't been around lately. I'm sorry... it's just that, well, things are different now. And as hard as this is to say, I think it's time that we moved on.

Remember when we first met almost fifteen years ago. Things were much simpler then. I'd hear a song on the radio, and there you were showing me the video. Whenever there was an act in town, there they were at your place, hanging out, telling us what was going on. I loved the parties you used to throw, huge bashes that focused on music or movies. They were absolutely crazy!
Then things started to change a little. We were both growing up, trying new things out. I started hanging out with some of the networks, you started toying around with this concept called reality tv. It was a nice change at first. You mixed a little of that young music flavour with people like myself. Oh how I enjoyed the seeing people from The Real World or chillin

But then, somewhere down the line, I began to notice that things were changing altogether. All of a sudden there weren't any music videos and that there was more and more of this reality stuff. Sure if we were out late, it would be like old times, but that was the extent of it. In fact it got so bad, I had to hang out with Much (who seems to have since been following your lead!). To your credit you tried. After we talked, you introduced TRL.
As the years went on though even that didn't work. I tried to get into some of the things you were into. I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed hanging out with some of the kids from Laguna Beach. I tried a Shot of Love with Tila Tequila but it wasn't for me. I enjoyed Pimping My Ride, adn Punking people. Ahh, those were fun times. Hell, I even tried moving to The Hills with you, but after a year of nothing happening, I really didn't want to stay there much longer.
I did enjoy our time trying to turn Gs to Gents . I thought perhaps maybe we could communicate on a new understanding. Perhaps try and educate through entertainment rather than exploit. But then things took another turn for the worse.
Now you want to find a new BFF for Paris Hilton???!! C'mon man, what is this all about? I didn't even have time for the actual event, I just joined in for the casting special. This is what you have to offer me? I've given you fifteen years of support and this is how you repay me. I'm sorry, but this is what is breaking this camel's proverbial back.
Now you want to find a new BFF for Paris Hilton???!! C'mon man, what is this all about? I didn't even have time for the actual event, I just joined in for the casting special. This is what you have to offer me? I've given you fifteen years of support and this is how you repay me. I'm sorry, but this is what is breaking this camel's proverbial back.
But I think you sensed this happening. Come November I hear your getting rid of the our olive branch that is TRL.
Hopefully we can still be friends. I'm sure I'll see you around at the parties. I'm still one of the few that enjoy those. And I'm sure we'll run into each other at Much's place.
But other than that, I'm going to say that this is the end. It's been a fun ride, but I think this might be it for the both of us.
Best Wishes,
PS: Here are some better times :)