The Fall Preview Post!
Clearly I don't know how to be early, but at least this is before the fall actually started!
Say Goodbye to:
Say Goodbye to:
Without a Trace. The once strong ten o'clock Thursday show will not be coming back in this fall.
What to what for:
Glee: Technically this has already aired, but the show has a lot of heart to it and room to grow. It also has the amazing Ryan Murphy (Popular, Nip/Tuck) working on it, so here's hoping Glee can be the High School Musical to adults what True Blood is to Twilight.
Say Goodbye to:
What to watch for:
The Parenthood: Ron Howard. Brian Glazer. Writers of Friday Night Lights. Great all star cast. This has the makings of something great. Others have tried to make the hit movie into a TV show. The ingredients are there. Lets hope it can be mixed to make something special.
Say Goodbye to:
Two many to count. Luckily most of them were the crappy ones. Here's hoping the shorter seasons can be helpful to the NBC cause.
What to watch for:
Say Goodbye to:
I'm going to break this down as simply as possible.
Fall Mandate: More comedies.
Over the last seven years, ABC has really built their brand around the shows that saved the network, i.e: Lost, Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. However, with Grey's having all the backstage drama that really seems to upstage everything onscreen, Desperate Housewives five year jump not really adding anything to the show, and Lost coming a close next season, the alphabet net is looking to add a little bit of laughs to its sched. Cut to four new sitcoms the company has greenlit this year. Also with returning seasons of the Zach Braff-less Scrubs and promotion heavy Better off Ted, look for ABC to be a funnier place this season.
Over the last seven years, ABC has really built their brand around the shows that saved the network, i.e: Lost, Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. However, with Grey's having all the backstage drama that really seems to upstage everything onscreen, Desperate Housewives five year jump not really adding anything to the show, and Lost coming a close next season, the alphabet net is looking to add a little bit of laughs to its sched. Cut to four new sitcoms the company has greenlit this year. Also with returning seasons of the Zach Braff-less Scrubs and promotion heavy Better off Ted, look for ABC to be a funnier place this season.
What to watch for:
Modern Family. ABC is so confident of this show, they screened the entire pilot at its upfronts, and I must say its awesome. If the entire season stays as strong as the pilot, make sure you check this out!
Modern Family. ABC is so confident of this show, they screened the entire pilot at its upfronts, and I must say its awesome. If the entire season stays as strong as the pilot, make sure you check this out!
Say Goodbye to:
According to Jim. After eight horrible horrible years, we say goodbye to this good for nothing show!

Fall Mandate: More of the same.
When you're the number one network in the land, there isn't too much you need to change. The eye has added four new shows this fall. Three dramas, one comedy.
What to watch for:
My take would be NCIS: Los Angeles. The show has a built in audience, and with LL Cool J and Chris O'Donnel as the leads,the show seems like it has all the tools to be a success. Plus its a procedural on CBS, can't fail right?
My take would be NCIS: Los Angeles. The show has a built in audience, and with LL Cool J and Chris O'Donnel as the leads,the show seems like it has all the tools to be a success. Plus its a procedural on CBS, can't fail right?
Say Goodbye to:
Without a Trace. The once strong ten o'clock Thursday show will not be coming back in this fall.
FOX has always been known as that network that put on tacky shows that sink to the lowest common denomenator. And while that has been true, you have to give them credit for building quiet a decent line up of programming. The number two network in the land (number one for young viewers 18-35, Wow, I know), has an entire line up of critically acclaimed shows (House, Lie to Me, Bones, Fringe), mixed with the zany stuff that makes FOX...well FOX.
What to what for:
The Cleveland Show: Seth McFarland is determined to make Sunday nights his, and from everything I've heard about this Family Guy spin-off, it seems like he's well on his way. Reviews of the show say its got more heart than its predecessor, and with a two season pickup, looks to be one of the surprises of the fall.
Glee: Technically this has already aired, but the show has a lot of heart to it and room to grow. It also has the amazing Ryan Murphy (Popular, Nip/Tuck) working on it, so here's hoping Glee can be the High School Musical to adults what True Blood is to Twilight.
Say Goodbye to:
Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles. Everything I've heard about this show has been good. But FOX had two sci-fi shows on the table, and room for one of them to be saved. T:TSCC had been given a couple of chances, but as seen with the Terminator Salvations movie, people aren't really jumping on that bandwagon. The possible good news: Expect to see Summer Glau possibly on Dollhouse?
Probably the network taking the biggest risk this year. 2009/10 will be a telling year for the peacock. The network that built some of their biggest hits at 10pm is giving it to their late night leader Jay Leno. They are also going with shorter seasons and less reruns, something that works well in the world of cable. Works well for Entourage. Will it for Heroes?
What to watch for:
Community: The pilot was a little slow, but you can't go wrong with Joel McHale and Chevy Chase. Once it finds its footing, this show will be the perfect companion to the Must See TV line up.
The Parenthood: Ron Howard. Brian Glazer. Writers of Friday Night Lights. Great all star cast. This has the makings of something great. Others have tried to make the hit movie into a TV show. The ingredients are there. Lets hope it can be mixed to make something special.
Say Goodbye to:
Two many to count. Luckily most of them were the crappy ones. Here's hoping the shorter seasons can be helpful to the NBC cause.
Since the merger of the WB and the UPN, the CW hasn't really done anything of note. Well, they have, but its for all the wrong reasons. Gossip Girl is their most buzzworthy show, however it isn't exactly setting the ratings on fire. 90210 had a strong opening but has had trouble holding on the audience, mainly because its not sure whether it wants to be a throwback or something new. The network is clearly going for a younger female demo, but is having a hard time cutting through the clutter. This year they seem to be going with a variety of shows and hoping something works.
What to watch for:
Melrose Place: Clearly working off the buzz they got from the 90210 reboot, the network green lit the original shows spin-off. Early talk says the show captures the essence of the original, which is a good thing. The down side being if this is a success, watch for updated versions Dallas, Knots Landing, Dyansty....
Say Goodbye to:
Privileged: One of the few shows to get good reviews from the CW's fall lineup last season. Alas, I'll be looking for my Joanna Garcia fix next year. Joanna, if for some reason you're reading this, call me :D
So that's it for my fall predictions. I've got a few reviews coming up here and there over the next couple of days. Once again, please feel free to drop me a comment or two!